Kosovo is located in the center of the Balkans, occupying an area of 10,887 km2 (4,203 sq mi). It is bordered by Serbia to the north and east, North Macedonia to the southeast, Albania to the southwest and Montenegro to the west. Kosovo was proclaimed as independent state in 2008; however, its independent status is accepted only by few states and international institutions. Kosovo has experienced solid economic growth over the last decade supported by international financial institutions like International Monetary Fund and World Bank.
Healthcare budget
1.8 million
GDP per capita
World Ranking
GDP 147th
In 2014 Kosovo adopted the Law on Health Insurance, which gave all citizens of Kosovothe right and obligation to have mandatory “basic package” health insurance covering emergency, pregnancy and childbirth, and other essential healthcare services. To date, the health insurance system has not been fully implemented.
Healthcare system in Kosovo is organized in three sectors including, primary, secondary and tertiary health care. Primary health care in Pristina is organized in thirteen Family Medicine Centers and fifteen Ambulatory Care Units. Secondary health care is decentralized in seven Regional Hospitals and the tertiary healthcare is provided in the University Clinical Center of Kosovo.
Kosovo Medicines Agency (KMA) and Kosovo Customs control the import of pharmaceutical products and medical devices. Hence, a valid import license is required in order to import products and it is regulated by the Law on Medical products and Equipment. KMA is liable to protect the health, provide quality medical products and regulates the production, import and distribution of medicinal products.
Expected life at birth is only 70 years for men and 75 years for women (2018), significantly below the EU-27 average (81 years). This is mainly caused by limited access to modern healthcare in rural parts of the country as well as by some unhealthy habits like extensive smoking. The healthcare budget is under pressure due to the low GDP/capita as Kosovo was least developed part of Serbia / former Yugoslavia. Additional significant challenge is associated with still limited recognition of Kosovo by other states and international organizations resulting in significant outflow of qualified healthcare personnel from Kosovo.
Jiri Hermanek
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